Acrylic Acid

Acrylic Acid is integral in formulating polymers that enhance water quality by dispersing particulates, preventing scale formation in pipes, and aiding in efficient filtration. Used in both municipal and industrial water systems, acrylic acid polymers are valued for their biodegradability and minimal environmental impact.


Carbohydrazide is a white, crystalline solid with a high melting point, known for its stability and solubility in water. Its primarily use is as an efficient oxygen scavenger in various industrial and water treatment applications. It is widely used as an oxygen scavenger in boiler water treatment to prevent corrosion.

Polyaluminum Chloride

Polyaluminum chloride (PAC) is a yellowish powder, commonly applied in its liquid form, known for its effectiveness as a coagulant in water treatment processes. It also plays a vital role in the paper manufacturing industry, aiding in paper sizing and wastewater treatment.

Anionic Polyacrylamide Slurry PAFR-708

PAFR-708 is an amber-yellow viscous liquid with a gasoline-like odor. Soluble in water and insolubility in oil. Within the fracturing industry, it’s utilized as a friction reducer, ensuring efficient fluid dynamics during operations.

Anionic Polyacrylamide Slurry PAFR-917

PAFR-917 is a tan viscous liquid with a gasoline-like odor. While it’s soluble in water, it’s insoluble in oil. Specifically designed for the fracturing industry, it’s employed as an effective friction reducer.

Tannic acid

Tannic acid, derived from plants like oak and tea, is a polyphenolic compound known for its astringent taste and diverse applications. It forms strong complexes with proteins and minerals, finding use in energy technologies and as a potential health supplement.

Calcium aluminate cement

Calcium aluminate cement (CAC) is a specialty cement composed primarily of calcium aluminates. It exhibits excellent high-temperature properties, including high strength and resistance to thermal shocks. CAC is commonly used in refractory applications, such as the lining of furnaces, kilns, and other industrial high-temperature environments.


Cyclohexylamine is a colorless liquid compound with a distinct, pungent odor. It is miscible with water and many organic solvents. As a versatile building block in chemical synthesis, it is used in various applications, including pharmaceuticals, agrochemicals, rubber chemicals, and corrosion inhibitors, among others.

Potassium carbonate

Potassium carbonate (K2CO3) is an inorganic compound consisting of white, odorless crystals. It is highly soluble in water, forming a strong alkaline solution. With a molar mass of 138.21 g/mol, it has a melting point of 891 °C and is commonly used as a source of potassium ions in chemical reactions and as a pH regulator in various industrial processes.

Microfine Cement

Microfine cement is a remarkable material, consisting of ultra-fine particles that possess exceptional fineness. With its fine texture and powdery consistency, this cement exhibits outstanding workability and permeability. It offers immense strength, durability, and resistance, making it ideal for a wide range of construction and repair applications.